The Present Year`s Employment Conditions

Released on = May 29, 2007, 8:48 am

Press Release Author = Lala C. Ballatan

Industry = Law

Press Release Summary = The US Department of Labor's Bureau of Labor Statistics
released this year's employment situation last May 4, 2007. To summarize the report,
the payroll employment for non-farm businesses increased by 88,000 last April.
Meanwhile, the rate of unemployment is at 4.5 percent. This percentage maintained in
the slight breadth as it has held for the period of September of last year.

Press Release Body = The US Department of Labor's Bureau of Labor Statistics
released this year's employment situation last May 4, 2007. To summarize the report,
the payroll employment for non-farm businesses increased by 88,000 last April.
Meanwhile, the rate of unemployment is at 4.5 percent. This percentage maintained in
the slight breadth as it has held for the period of September of last year.

Los Angeles, California, May, 27 2007 - The payroll employment for non-farm
businesses increased in April and totaled to 137.7 million. During the present
year's first four months, the growth of the payroll job reached an estimate of
129,000 every month. It is a little below the 189,000 every month estimates last

Job gains persisted in some industries, which are concentrated on providing
services. Meanwhile, in retail manufacturing and trade industries, the employment
rate dropped.

In the healthcare sector, employment increased by 37,000 in the month of April. Over
the year, it has a marked increase by 362,000. The industry experienced job gains in
the advent of the year. Twenty five thousand jobs was added for drinking places and
food services sectors in April and amounted to 336,000 last year.

For the business and professional services, there is a marked improvement in
employment for "computer systems design" and in technical and management
consulting. On the other hand, the employment services sector carried on with
losing jobs. Still, wholesale trade and social assistance sectors continued its
trend of increase in employment.

In general, in "general merchandise stores," employment decreased by 41,000 after
some increase of 30,000 in March. Fourteen thousand jobs were shed for Credit
intermediation and the commercial banking sector suffered over half loss of jobs.

There is a continuous decline in employment for the manufacturing industries. These
losses are reflected in sectors of motor vehicles and spare parts, textile mills and
machinery. A partial offset of the decline in employment for the shipbuilding
industry was felt when 6,500 workers returned after conducting a strike.

Employment in construction sector has no noted changes in April. No considerable
movements were felt within the other component industries.

In the year 2007, no essential net change was experienced in employment for the
construction industry. As compared to last year, there was an average of 11,000-job
growth every month in the construction industry.

Regarding the hours of work in factories, the average working hours per week dropped
by 0.1 hour last month to 41.1 hours, factory overtime also went down 4.2 hours by
0.1 hour.
In the private production and non-supervisory employees, average earnings per hour
increased by 4 cents in April to $17.25. During the present year, the average
earnings per hour rose by 3.7 percent but were essentially lower than last
December's high of 4.3 percent last year.

According to the household survey, the 4.5 percent unemployment rate and the 6.8
million number of unemployed had no significant changes during the month of April.
There was a decline of 468,000 in civilian employment in April and this is
concentrated among adult women. The overall employment population's proportion is
63.0 percent which dropped by 0.3 percent.

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